Sydney Distance Education Primary School (SDEPS) is a distance education facility catering for Kindergarten to Year 6 students who need to learn through distance education.
The majority of students are temporarily travelling within Australia or overseas for family holidays or work commitments. Some families temporarily relocate for employment opportunities, missionary or humanitarian relief, or simply for lifestyle choices and experiences. Our school also caters to students with medical or additional support needs.
Our school is governed by the same policies that apply to all NSW schools. Our programs which cover the Learning Areas from the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) syllabuses (
SDEPS has a long-held reputation for high-quality teaching practices and learning resources resulting in outstanding academic progress as evident in school's NAPLAN results. Learning programs are carefully designed and personalised to meet the need of all students. The school's dedicated teachers use innovative and evolving technologies to communicate with students and parents. Our challenging and engaging lessons and learning materials equip students with the ability to think, solve problems, and respond and thrive within an ever-changing society.
Please see the enrolment section to find out if your child is eligible to enrol.
Principal's Message

Our staff are very proud of the service we offer to families who may be isolated by circumstance or distance. We constantly hear from parents how appreciative they are of the opportunity to be involved so closely in their children’s schooling. We also hear how well the children are doing when they return to their local schools. Our standards and expectations guarantee quality teaching and learning outcomes for all of our students. We are also constantly looking for ways to improve services for our families. Our students delight in the opportunity to work at their own pace on a personalised program designed by an experienced and caring professional. Students benefit from the guidance of those who have the greatest interest of their students at heart, namely their parents who supervise their lessons. A sincere thank you for your interest in our school. We look forward to the opportunity of being of service to you in the near future.
Robin Roberts
Principal, SDEPS