Sydney Distance Education Primary School

A Global School

Telephone02 9207 6300

Enrolment Enquiry


Who Can Enrol In Distance Education? 

To be considered for enrolment with Sydney Distance Education Primary School, the student must:

  • be a NSW resident who is unable to attend your local school
  • be eligible for enrolment in Kindergarten up to Year 6
  • have an adult English-speaking supervisor
  • qualify in one of the following categories:

2.2 Students who meet geographic isolation criteria

Students who are isolated from a NSW government school who meet the geographic isolation criteria may be able to enrol with Sydney Distance Education Primary School (SDEPS). They must provide evidence to the principal of SDEPS that they meet the criteria for enrolment eligibility.

2.3 Students travelling within Australia

Families travelling around Australia for business or holiday reasons may enrol their children. The enrolment will generally be for a minimum of three months (1 term) and a maximum of 12 months (4 terms). This may be extended upon application to our Bathurts office by the parent/carer, but not for further travel.

A comprehensive itinerary should be submitted to ensure continuity of the learning program. Using a third party to forward materials is not acceptable. Should your itinerary change, please phone us as soon as possible, to avoid lessons going astray. All postage costs are paid by the school, except where redirection is necessary because of failure to inform the school of a change of itinerary.

2.4 Students temporarily resident or travelling overseas

This type of enrolment is available to students who are temporarily living overseas in areas where there are no suitable English-speaking schools. The enrolment will generally be for a minimum of three months (1 term) and a maximum of 12 months (4 terms). This may be extended upon application to our Bathurts office by the parent/carer, but not for further travel.

Students who are travelling while overseas must provide an itinerary with addresses for a minimum of six weeks in advance to ensure the continuity of the students learning program. All lesson material should be returned by airmail to the school with the cost of postage paid by the family. We require a copy of confirmed airline bookings before commencing overseas travel.

2.5 Students with a medical condition

Students requiring education while they are undergoing medical assessment or treatment, which prevents their attending a local school, may be able to enrol in this category.

When applying for enrolment it will be necessary to supply a letter from the student’s medical specialist. It should outline the student’s medical condition and how it impacts on their ability to attend their school or other local education provision. This letter should include an assessment of the length of time it is expected that the student will require distance education.

2.7 Vocationally talented students employed in the entertainment industry and students participating at elite levels in the performing arts or sport

Students whose employment in the entertainment industry or elite participation in the performing arts and sport prevents their regular attendance at school or other suitable local provision for more than 50 school days in a year, may be eligible for enrolment with distance education.

2.8 Students with additional learning and support needs

Students with additional learning and support needs may be eligible for enrolment in distance education if it is determined that they cannot attend school regularly or there is no local provision to meet their learning needs.

Access to this provision is through the access request process through the local government school. Local delivery support teams will provide support and advice on access to a range of support provisions and enrolment options for students with a disability and learning support needs.

Parent/carer should discuss the application with school prior to applying for enrolment in this category.   

2.9 Transition for students with significant support needs

Students with additional learning and support needs which prevent them from attending school on a regular basis may be eligible for enrolment at SDEPS.

Enrolment in Distance Education must be recommended by your local school principal and sometimes the local DoE area office. You must contact them to get a recommendation to enrol.

2.10 Students in extraordinary circumstances

This category is designed to meet unforeseen and extraordinary circumstances not covered by any other enrolment category and must be endorsed by the local Director, Public Schools NSW or the Director, Secondary Education.

Enrolments in this category must be supported by the Rural and Distance Education Specialist Program Coordinator who will consult with the Director and liaise with the local School Services team and other appropriate agencies to determine if an enrolment in this category should proceed.

Enrolment Information Booklet 2024

How To Enrol

6 weeks before departure (or earlier if there are school holidays within the next six weeks): Contact the SDEPS enrolment officer to request enrolment forms or download them from the website.

5 weeks before departure: Complete the Application to Enrol in NSW Government School form, the SDEPS Application form for the applicable category. Gather all required documents together.

4 weeks before departure: Inform your present school of your plans to enrol with Sydney Distance Education Primary School. Return all forms, required documents, fees and itinerary to SDEPS.

Note: A request will be sent to your student's present school for the Principal’s Endorsement and for a report to be completed outlining your student's performance and attainments.

3 weeks before departure: You will be contacted to make an appointment to visit our school.

1 week before departure: Visit our school to meet the teacher who will conduct an assessment of your student’s needs.


All primary aged students from government and non-government schools. You must be an Australian resident and live or have lived in our enrolment area. Kindergarten students must turn five by the end of July in the year that they are enrolling.

Lessons are posted to students on paper in fortnightly packages. Teachers usually send multiple packages at the same time - one parcel of work can contain lessons for between two and ten weeks (a full term’s work) depending on a student’s age and circumstances. After completing their work on paper, students photograph and submit their work digitally to the school’s digital learning platform, Canvas. Students are encouraged to photograph and submit their work as soon as possible after completing it so that their teacher can give them timely feedback. Lessons are usually organised within a fortnight after the enrolment has been approved. If possible, a visit to meet a teacher and to pick up the first set of lessons is arranged.

SDEPS provides free access for primary distance education for those who meet the general entry requirements for residents of New South Wales.  This inclues all learning and supplementary materials and resources to fully engage in a very rewarding educational experience.

Yes - students will be given opportunities to study with their peers online via video conferencing software.

Generally 3-4 hours a day for lessons and other educational activities (approximately 20-22 hrs per week).

Teachers will give you their direct telephone line, their email and details of how to connect with them via video conference. Students are also able to interact with teachers and their classmates on Canvas. You can contact your teacher anytime during the school day or by leaving a voicemail on the school phone after hours. We request that you contact your teacher as soon as possible if you have changed your plans.

YES – we will also send an endorsement to be signed by your current school’s principal when your enrolment application is received.

NO – you cannot enrol in another school. You are considered to be a full-time enrolment with us. You can attend another school on a partial basis for social and other activities. You must have the permission of our principal and also the principal of the other school.

We use the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) syllabuses, written by the NSW Board of Studies. This curriculum is used in all NSW schools. We also use the government school based yearly calendar.

Students will be at their appropriate academic level or above when they finish with the school. We liaise with their new school to ensure that the student has a smooth transition into their school.

For more information please read our Enrolment Information Booklet, which is located on this website. If you think that you meet all criteria, please contact us by phone or email and we will arrange the appropriate enrolment forms to be sent to you.

6 weeks before departure (or earlier if there are school holidays within the next six weeks): Contact the SDEPS enrolment officer to request enrolment forms or download them from the website.

5 weeks before departure: Complete the Application to Enrol in NSW Government School form, the Application form for the applicable category. Gather all required documents together.

4 weeks before departure: Inform your present school of your plans to enrol with Sydney Distance Education Primary School. Return all forms, required documents, fees and itinerary to SDEPS.

Note: A request will be sent to your student's present school for the Principal’s Endorsement and for a report to be completed outlining your student's performance and attainments.

3 weeks before departure: You will be contacted to make an appointment to visit our school.

1 week before departure: Visit our school to meet the teacher who will conduct an assessment of your student’s needs.

High School

Visit the moving to high school page to find out more about the transition of year 6 students into year 7.